Skin Moisturizers ? For A Glowing Face

1:30 PM

If you want to maintain a glowing and fresh face, your skin must be consistently moisturized. It is only possible if the rate of humidity on the skin is stable. There are fewer chances of developing a wrinkled face if the skin is moisturized and hence you will always appear younger.

The water content from the body flows towards the upper crust of the skin through a process called ?Tran epidermal water loss?. If the water content in the body is adequate then your skin is always likely to remain supple and fragile. But if the quantity of water present in your body is scarce, then your skin grows arid and weak, as it does not get the required moisture.

In order to keep your skin relatively moisturized you need to consume maximum liquids, like drinking at least 6 glass of water per day or eat enough of fruits and ripe vegetables that contain watery substances. The moisture that is formed neutralizes the excess oily or dry conditions in the body. Apart from that it is also important to cleanse the skin with water in order to moisturize the skin?s surface. Additional nourishment is required for older people.

Moisturizers are available in the market in various forms or mixtures such as vegetable glycerin, rose water, jojoba oil, vitamin E oils, sorbitol (derived from plants), honey, aloe vera, and iris. Aloe Vera and mineral oils are vital in opening the clogged pores in the skin and thereby reducing the extent of acne. They prevent the skin from drying due to the external factors like sun, wind, and climatic odds. Aloe Vera is widely used for skin irritations, cuts and abrasions caused, sunburns etc. Mineral oils remove the waste materials present in the skin.

As most of the moisturizers contain oily substances in them they often tend to remain on the skin after applying it. But the essentials oils have a fine molecular structure and they effectively penetrate to the inner parts of the skin. They have the property of getting instantly absorbed by the skin. The moisturizers should be mixed with accurate amount of base oil.

To the maximum extent 30 ml of base oils and 6 spoons of essentials oils should be mixed to make the right formation for the skin. If you have any doubts regarding the right usage, you can preferably refer to the manuals that are available in the market.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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Future Skin Rejuvenation Techniques

8:03 PM

The best way to rejuvenate skin is by exercising. When you exercise, your skin breathes and the sweat that is released cleanses the pores of the skin. This is the reason why people have glowing skin after exercising. There are a lot of skin creams, lotions etc that are in the market which assist in keeping the skin clean and fresh.

Most people nearly have 5 pounds of dead skin, normally. If they can shed these 5 pounds within a short duration, then it would really be good. But most of them are trapped with their busy schedules and are unable to spare any time for the workout sessions. Hence a new device has been introduced that assists in removing the dead skin from the body using a vacuum system.

Other products that are good for the skin are face packs, face scrubs etc. A lot of research is being done by a lot of companies to assist people in having great skin. So in future, you will find a lot of new products, new lotions, new creams, new scrubs etc that would help you in removing dead skin and make the skin glow. These products are manufactured keeping the skin texture in mind as people have different skin textures.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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Three Tips for Successful Weight Loss

7:57 PM

Weight loss isn?t just about eating less food. Healthy eating can accelerate your efforts in losing weight. The following are three tips to not only be healthy, but also to lose weight quickly.

Enjoy the Foods You Eat

Weight loss shouldn?t be a chore. If you believe the only foods good for you are those foods that taste badly, then you?re facing an uphill battle right from the start. Instead look at eating as a part of life, and find those foods that you enjoy (and maybe eat slightly less of them). Look to obtain a better balance so that while eating the foods you enjoy, also add some foods that are not processed, such as fruits and vegetables.

You can even start off with just those fruits and vegetables that you currently like and then experiment with expanding to that list, all while looking to maintain a balance between these fresh foods and the foods that may not be the healthiest. Given time, you may find that you acquire a taste for healthy foods.

Try some new recipes. If you don't like raw vegetables, try some steamed ones. If they taste too bland, try adding some spices. You?ll find that as you lose weight and get more energy, your body will start craving these better feelings of health by wanting more of those healthier foods.

Believe in Yourself

Belief is yourself is a necessary component to achieving your goal. If you don't believe what you are doing will work, eventually you?ll give up. Some people quit and blame it on the food, or blame it on where they live, or that they work too many hours to really eat any good food. But in the end, it all comes down to saying to yourself, ?I?m going to do it, no matter what.?

Food may be considered an addiction and the best way to break an addiction is a gradual leading away from the addictive habit, rather than a ?snap? withdrawal (a ?snap? withdrawal is bound for failure). Don?t worry as much about those calories, just tell yourself that you?re going to eat a ?little? less and then supplement the difference with healthier foods.

Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Successful weight loss involves not hoarding food. Your body hoards the food you eat if you have infrequent, large meals. Weight loss success appears to be in eating smaller meals, frequently throughout the day (4-6 meals spread out every couple hours). Although smaller meals doesn?t mean 4-6 TV dinners every 2 hours. The successful way is have a regular breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then in-between there?s some light snacking, such as a protein bar or meal replacement powder(Muscle Milk from Cytosport is really good for this).

Try to have some fruit and/or vegetables with the breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if a special occasion happens and a piece of cake comes your way, enjoy it without guilt. The key is to be in control and not overdo it ... and don't allow any feelings of guilt to overcome your belief in yourself.

Make sure that you don?t starve yourself. If you start to feel extremely hungry, then you?re probably waiting too long between meals. You see, your body adjusts to the conditions you place on it. If you wait to eat, then your body will adjust by storing more food from the next incoming meal when you finally do eat. The net effect of the habit of waiting is just as if you ate a large meal, as your body stores more of the food, but you don?t get the benefit of eating more food. This is how the downward weight loss failure spiral works (the person eats less, the body stores more of the food, yet the individual feels more tired).

Having four to six meals per day will work if you pace yourself. If you are not hungry when it is time to eat meal number two, the next day adjust meal one so that it doesn't fill you up so much. On the other hand, if you are starving by the time meal two comes around, change meal one so that you are more satisfied (by eating a little more, or adding some healthy fats, or trying some different new foods).

Eating can be a pleasure. It is something we are blessed with and something to be enjoyed. Adjust yourself to eat when you are ready, not when it is time. When you feel it is time to eat, eat something (it?s ok to give yourself permission to do so). Strive for that balance to not have hunger pains and also a balance between processed and natural foods. Try this for a few weeks and you'll find that you?ll believe in yourself to achieve your goal.

It will happen for you and I?ll be so happy for you. Done this way, the weight loss can last you a lifetime, while the health benefits will increase the everyday quality of life for you.

Copyright (c) 2006.

Jessica Deets researches the internet and writes to help people. There's more weight loss news and information at the website at

How to Have Great Looking Skin

2:49 PM

Great skin is something that nearly everyone can cultivate. Our skin is affected by our:

. Genes
. Inner nutrition - what we eat and drink
. Exercise
. General health and well-being
. Emotional health, and
. Outer nutrition - how we take care of our skin

While we can't alter our genes, we can improve our skin by making the necessary adjustments in the areas we can influence. Read on to discover the basic components of a healthy outer nutritional plan for your skin.

If you seriously want great skin the very first thing to do and wear a hat and good quality sunscreen when out in the sunshine. Having said that, let's move on to understand the next three basic foundations to great skin.

If you want your skin to look and feel great, careful cleansing is very important. This should be done first thing in the morning and last thing at night to remove pore-clogging dirt. Don't cleanse enough and you could find yourself prone to spots. Cleanse to often and you could be stripping away essential oils and be susceptible to dry skin or even eczema. Understanding your skin type (normal, dry or oily) and using a cleanser to match is the best foundation for great looking skin. Remember to rinse your face with warm water after using a cleanser, as any residue will continue to work on the skin if not completely removed.

Our grandmother's used soap and water?isn't that good enough? Soap is not very good at removing makeup because it does not contain enough oils to dissolve the staying power that most cosmetics have today. Remember the 'tight' feeling after your have washed your fact with soap? Soap can be very drying on your skin and may wash away essential oils. Another reason not to use soap is that it is not matched to the natural balance of our skin. Soap is generally alkaline, whilst skin is naturally acidic.

The second step to great outer nutrition for your skin is to tone. Toners are designed to remove any last traces of cleanser, while also helping to tighten and refine pores and prevent the build-up of dead skin cells. After toning your skin should fee and look revitalised and refreshed, and ready to be moisturised. Again you will need to apply a toner that matches your skin type.

The third foundation step is to apply moisturiser to help restore the moisture loss caused by the drying effects of sunlight, central heating, wind, cold and pollution. A good daytime moisturiser would contain a sunscreen and will be easily absorbed into the skin. At night you should use a richer, more nourishing cream, as this is when your skin more readily absorbs moisture.

Despite the plethora of products on the market and the myriad of additives?. the most important ingredient of any moisturiser is water! If water is just splashed on the skin it will not say there. Moisturisers are basically oil and water emulsions which contain a humectant (a substance added to another to make it moist), which attracts water and helps 'fix' it in the upper layers of the skin.

Moisture that is lost firm the skin needs to be replaced quickly so that the surface of the skin is kept both soft and smooth. The living cells in the layers need water so that they will not shrivel up and die. A moisturiser can protect the skin by providing a varier between the skin and the external environment. It also prevents the loss of moisture from the deeper layers of the skin.

Should people who have oily skin use a moisturiser? Moisturisers are particularly recommended for people with dry skin but everyone can benefit from using a moisturiser. You simply need to ensure that you choose the correct moisturiser for your skin type. People with oily skin should choose a moisturiser that hydrates their skin whilst helping absorb any excess oil.

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A., B.Sc. (Biochemistry) is a writer for the online weight loss, health & fitness magazine Weight Loss Health. For free resources, tips and healthy recipes to help you lose weight and gain energy, visit

How To Keep Your Skin Shiny and Beautiful?

1:12 PM

Most of us are gifted with beautiful skin but are not careful in preserving its original texture. Therefore during the climatic changes the tone of the skin changes and turns rough. If you regularly provide nutrition to the skin it is likely to remain glowing.

The food we consume also has a bearing on the way our skin looks. Foods containing greasy, oily and fatty substances make the oil glands overactive and therefore we are more likely to face various skin problems. Water is a very good as it cleanses the skin pores. It fights against all the toxins in the body. Therefore it is necessary to consume 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Besides, scheduling an exercise program everyday is very good. The excessive oily substances are drained from your body through the sweat that is produced when you exercise. The workouts also relieve you from all types of stress that reflect on your face directly.

Take care of your skin by applying the proper type of lotions or creams. Do not use the products that contain strong chemicals as it could ruin your skin. Do not smoke because it directly affects your skin and speeds up your ageing process.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Anti Aging Skin Care and Treatments Dermatologists Use and Recommend

12:21 PM

?Mirror, mirror on the wall, who?s fairest of them all? might have been the uttering of one of the most hated characters we have come across, but this concern for outward good looks is too deep-rooted in the human psyche. The basic concept of beauty has been and remains to be soft, flawless, glowing skin. Advancing age, however, takes its toll and the skin becomes blotchy, rough and dull. Seen from this angle, the topic ?anti aging skin care and treatments? calls for sincere reflection. The sagging and sinking skins have had enough of natural beauty tips that do really well unless scars and wrinkles steal appearances and the once healthy skin falls an easy prey to advancing age. It is time now that they get some insight into the steps being taken in anti aging skin care and treatments.

A number of aesthetic or cosmetic plastic surgery like face-lifts, thread lifts, fat transfer and a host of non-surgical skin refinishing treatments are now available to fight back the impacts of aging and the harsh treatments meted out to skin. Given the wide selection of skin-rejuvenating treatments, it is preferable that a reliable dermatologist be entrusted with the responsibility of working out the ideal anti aging skin care treatment to eliminate and soften the effects of aging.

The recommended skin care regimen prescribed by the skin specialist may be a singular or a combination cure, depending on the seriousness of the condition, age and other health related issues. The surgical part of the treatment is handled by the skin specialists but the follow-up skin care program necessitates total patient involvement.

The following section elaborates some of the anti aging skin care treatments, which can be used at home:

Glycolic Acid ? Glycolic or ?fruity acid? treatments are good for pigmented aging skin. The bleaching-cum-moisturizing action of this anti aging skin care treatment removes the skin blotches and smoothens the rough, sun-damaged skin, reviving its natural freshness. Available in two forms (cream and face wash), Glycolic Acid should be applied to the face twice daily or as recommended by the skin specialist. There are no serious medical problems associated with the usage of glycolic acids other than causing temporary skin irritation and redness sometimes. It is regarded as a safe anti-aging skin treatment. Caring for the rejuvenated skin involves use of sun block creams too.

TCA Skin Peels ? The TCA skin peels are the most sought after anti-aging skin care treatments, because these medium strength peels are perfectly safe and essentially effective. They fight back the ravages of advancing years by removing facial lines and wrinkles and give back the skin its lost elasticity, suppleness.

The best thing about this easy-to-apply, home-based anti-aging skin care treatment is that its effect lasts up to a year or so. Twice a year application of TCA peels will certainly benefit the skin and are now available for at home use (see the website below for more on this).

Adding some natural skin care tips like hydrating the body inside out, going for a balanced diet (containing anti-oxidants), a little meditation and other health tips summarize a full-fledged anti aging skin care program.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels for plastic surgeons, medispas, and in home use. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

Beauty Salon Supplies

10:28 AM

The basic necessities for setting up a beauty salon are beauty salon equipment and supplies. They form the backbone of any beauty salon and help it to function efficiently. Thankfully, numerous companies exist to supply good-quality beauty salon products.

Beauty salon supplies can be divided into hair care, skin care, bath, hand and foot, hair color, cosmetics, and hair removal products besides many others.

A huge number of brands and companies exist which provide different types of beauty salon products.

For basic skin and body care, beauty salons usually have antimicrobial hand and body wash, sea mineral masques, pedicure and manicure kits, professional paraffin bath, facial care, and hot spa for nails. Therabath, Theraffin, FantaSea, Body Drench and many more supply creams, masques, washes, gels, and other things for essential body and skin care.

Other products of brands such as Burts Bees, Dermagolica, Murad, Zia Natural, and American Crew (specially suited for men), are also very effective and of excellent quality.

Tools such as hair flat irons, curling irons, crimpers, hair setters, and many others are also a must for all beauty salons. Babyliss, Caruso, Helen of Troy, Hot Tools, jilbere de Paris, Diana the Hunter, and Secret to Beauty are some other brands which provide excellent hair care and styling appliances.

For hair removal, bleaching, and spa, the best brands available are GiGi, Clean +Easy, Satin Smooth, TherabathPro, One touch, The Melting Pot, and many more.

Cosmetics, make-up, and accessories are a core part of beauty salons too. Some good cosmetic products are provided by brands like Japonesque, Lipchic, Lip Venom, Palladio Cosmetics, and Studio Basics.

FolicaPro, Sally Beauty, Iowa Beauty and Barber Supply, and Bob?s Beauty Supply are some companies where you can find good-quality and branded beauty salon supplies.

A truly amazing range of products can be found at Beauty Deals, which deals in all types of beauty salon supplies of almost all reputed and renowned brands available in the market.

Supplies like dryers, clippers, capes, perms, hair removal and spa can all be sought at discounted rates at Cameo Beauty Supplies, Beauty Deals, and Iowa Beauty and Barber Supply, which allows a savings of nearly 66%.

Beauty Salons provides detailed information on Beauty Salons, Beauty Salon Software, Beauty Salon Equipment, Beauty Salon Supplies and more. Beauty Salons is affiliated with Natural Beauty Products.

Zits What Do I Need To Know About Them

4:45 PM

Zits, or pimples, affect almost everyone at some stage of their life. Zits are yukky, unsightly, and usually a part of growing up.

However it can be useful to know a little bit about them when you are approaching the age when zits may become a part of your life.

Firstly, zits aren?t restricted to teenagers as most think. Zits can affect people at any age. It is estimated that anything up to 50% of adult women have a case of zits at some stage in their life after their teen years. Even adult men get zits, although not as frequently as women. And babies.

However the most common time to encounter zits is in your teens. This, of course, is exactly when you don?t want them. You are most aware of the opposite sex, and most interested in making sure that you look as appealing as possible. An outbreak of zits on your face is not at all welcome.

It is not entirely understood what causes zits. It is known what they are, but not exactly what causes them. However the experts think that it is most likely that zits are caused by hormonal changes that take place in your body at certain stages in your life. This explains why zits can be encountered at times when the body is experiencing hormonal changes such as in the teen years.

Zits are a normal part of life. Almost everyone has them, especially as teens, and they are not sent to make your life a misery at the exact time that you don?t want them. They are a part of growing up and if you are a teen with zits you can be sure that most of your friends will get them soon if they haven?t already.

You can get zits on other parts of your body as well as your face. For example on your back, although there are others.

Although it may be fun to pop your zits, or certainly satisfying, it may not be the best thing to do. Experts disagree on whether popping your zits causes scars, but when in doubt, try to avoid it. And if you must then refrain from attempting to get those deep ones that are hard to pop, just stick to the obvious simple ones. But preferably don?t.

Contrary to popular belief you don?t get zits by eating too much chocolate, although you may get fat. Fatty foods do not cause zits.

You don?t get zits because you aren?t washing your face well enough.

As zits are a normal part of life it is extremely difficult to cure them. However there are good strategies available to manage them. It?s just that you control, rather than cure them until your body decides that enough is enough.

Zits will go away with time, although it probably doesn?t seem so now. People don?t generally go through life with permanent zits. A serious case though can cause scars, so it is always worth having them checked out by your doctor.

Overall remember, although zits may seem like a huge problem now, they will go away, and they will be a distant memory soon. Everyone has to deal with them, it?s just your turn at the moment.

Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne and adult acne, acne skin care products, the best acne treatments and more at Peter?s website, Acne All Gone.

A PlainEnglish Guide to Laser Hair Removal

10:17 PM

Laser hair removal has become an increasingly popular method of depilation in recent years, for many good reasons. But like most other beauty treatments, it should be undertaken with caution and with a little bit of research under your belt, so here are the most important factors to bear in mind when considering whether laser hair removal is right for you.

First of all, what is laser hair removal? Unless you want to understand the physics of light, there's a very simple definition. In the hands of an experienced beauty therapist, a handheld device emits a particular wavelength of light, which destroys the hair without harming the skin that surrounds it. It's a simple technique that's easy to administer, and more importantly, unlike waxing or sugaring, it's relatively pain free.

There are, however, some disadvantages associated with this method of hair removal, and it's unfortunately not suitable for everyone. Because the laser destroys dark material, the hair to be removed must be darker than the skin surrounding it, so those with very fair hair might not be eligible for laser hair removal.

Recently tanned skin is also unsuited to this method of hair removal, so be careful to avoid the sun before you schedule your appointment. Any type of skin damage may be exacerbated by the use of lasers, so take good care of your skin before you take that trip to the beauty salon, and postpone your appointment should you develop any skin injuries, such as a rash, or a cut.

Laser hair removal is sometimes advertised as a permanent system of hair removal, and while this method of depilation often does yield long-lasting results, there is not yet enough evidence to support a blanket claim of permanent hair loss. Laser hair removal is most effective on those with paler skins and dark hair, and many people matching this description have found that regrowth is minimal, with new hairs finer and lighter than prior to treatment.

Laser hair removal is more expensive than other methods of depilation, and as the area of unwanted hair can require a number of treatments before optimal results are seen, the cost can quickly add up. But for those who regular spend a small fortune on shavers, waxing strips and other hair removal tools, the effectiveness of laser surgery can make it a real money saver in the long run.

It is important to remember that a laser can be dangerous in the wrong hands, so be careful to find a professional and reputable salon to perform your laser hair removal. Find a beauty therapist with whom you feel comfortable, and ask any and all questions you need to put your mind at ease. Don't be afraid to ask about your therapist's qualifications and experience - all laser hair removal practitioners should be licensed physicians or registered nurses.

Laser hair removal is an effective technique than can bring wonderful results. Relatively painless - expect a slight tingling sensation when the laser is in use - and long-lasting, laser hair removal is, however, a technique that requires skilled hands. Treat your skin with the respect it deserves and find a well-qualified and experienced practitioner to perform the procedure, and say goodbye to that unwanted hair.

Article written exclusively for For more information and articles on Laser Hair Removal, visit

Cosmeceuticals: The New Wave in Skin Care Solutions

2:16 PM

Cosmeceuticals are the new wave in skin care. They are topical cosmetic-pharmaceutical hybrids intended to enhance the health and beauty of the skin. Skin is the largest organ in the body, both by weight and surface area. In adults, the weight of your skin accounts for about 16% of your total body weight. The skin separates the internal environment from the external. It is essential to protect and preserve the skin for your own personal health and self esteem.

Cosmetic skin care products only serve to cleanse and beautify. As opposed to cosmetics, cosmeceuticals will alter the structure and function of the skin. Let?s take a look at some of the ingredients and the science behind why they work.

Centella Asiatica is a botanical agent, which increases collagen production by inducing its precursor enzyme. This ingredient has a shelf life of 6 months, which is why you will not find it in stores. This amazing material reduces the appearance of stretch marks and is currently being researched for its effects on varicose veins.

The FDA recognizes Salicyclic Acid as a proven anti-bacterial destroying agent.

Retinol is a vitamin A treatment, which accelerates the skin cells natural exfoliation process and diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Glycolic Acid is a natural fruit acid, which accelerates the skins cellular turnover. It improves circulation and produces vibrant, smoother, younger-looking skin.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful anti-oxidant proven to shrink pores, reduce under eye puffiness, and erase fine lines and wrinkles, while improving circulation and brightening your overall complexion.

DMAE is a natural substance that stabilizes and strengthens the cell's plasma membrane. Dramatically tightens, firms, and tones the neck, eyelids, and facial muscles, resulting in a lean, toned, and youthful look.

Sodium Hyaluronate is a protein that functions as a lubricant between the connective tissues of the skin, allowing the retention of skins natural moisture, leaving the skin soft, supple and silky smooth.

Other ingredients include Dimethicone Copolyol Meadowfomate, which is an anti-irritant, retinyl palminate an anti-wrinkles agent, and actifirm, a skin-firming agent. In short, a combination of these ingredients will reverse sun damage and treat acne. They also reduce the appearance of wrinkles, old age spots, and stretch marks. I hope I have convinced you that cosmeceuticals will improve your happiness and your health. I encourage you to contact me with any questions, concerns, or your own rave reviews.

About The Author

My name is Christina. I currently work for a continuing medical education company, and I am a consultant for Nouveau Cosmeceuticals. With a degree in molecular biology, I always look for the science behind everything. Finally, a skin care company has developed a product that is made for all ages, all skin types, and all races. Read the reviews, try it for 30 days, and you will not be disappointed. The scientific evidence was enough to convince me to try it. After 30 days, I decided it was so amazing that I wanted to sell it. I am glad I have the opportunity to share with all of you.

?It?s not your imagination?it?s Nouveau.?

Christina Iacovelli
Executive Consultant

Dry Skin Care

7:08 PM

Your skin is said to be dry when the sebaceous glands in the skin are not actively functioning. Therefore your skin easily erupts due to the outdoor exposure such as heat, cold or any type of climatic odds.

People with dry skin must not excessively use hot water to moisturize the skin. Mineral water is best suited because it turns the face fresh. During the morning time as soon as you get up from sleep, splash some amount of mineral water on your face with a sprayer. Leave it to dry for sometime.

The usage of soap on dry skin should be minimal because it strips the natural oils from the skin and leaves the skin dry. Instead of using toilet soaps, moisturizers should be used because they add water content to the skin. A gentle and a thorough massage is required for the dry skin to turn moist. Preferably avoid using commercial products such soaps that contain harsh chemicals in them. The alkaline content is highly harmful to the skin so do not use alkaline soaps or washing sodas. Every night before going to bed a homemade nourishing cream should be applied on your face.

The best method to nourish your dry skin is by dampening your face first. Afterwards apply a single coat of moisturizer to your skin to turn your skin supple.

The below mentioned therapy is to be tried before having a bath.

Mix 1 egg yolk along with the 1 teaspoon orange juice, 1-teaspoon olive oil and, a few drops of rose water and 10 drops of limejuice and apply it to your skin.

If the above-mentioned tips are followed you will quickly restore your skin condition to normal.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Causes of Acne ? Solution and Acne Control

12:49 PM

In order to answer this question, we should first examine different types and causes of acne. It?s important to note that you are not alone in your struggles with acne. Acne is a skin condition which effects millions of people. Acne does not discriminate. It can appear on the faces of the young and old of both sexes of any and every cultural background.

Types of Acne:

Whitehead Acne: As the name suggests, whiteheads are named after their appearance. If your pores are clogged, yet bulge with a white tip - these are whiteheads.

Blackhead Acne: Like the whitehead, a blackhead is named after it?s physical description. If your pores become clogged, yet stay open - a blackhead becomes visible. The top surface of that part of your skin will darken, displaying the rapped dirt in the pore.

Pimple Acne: Sometimes our pore open, leaving them vulnerable to bacteria. Should bacteria, known as sebum, enter - the skin will display a red bump. This is commonly referred to as a pimple.

Nodule: These are clogged pores which are very deep in the skin. These nodules are infected lumps or cysts which can be tender to the touch or very painful.

Causes of Acne:

Hormonal changes in teenagers and adults can cause different types of acne in teenage boys and girls. Statistics show that eight out of ten teenagers display some type of acne during their adolescent years.

While our bodies need some oils, excessive build-up of oils can promote blocked pores, causing whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.

Excessive washing removes all oils from the skin. The face needs some oil to maintain its healthy appearance. Otherwise you become a candidate for dry damaged skin or more acne.

Scrubbing your face is never the solution. Gentle exfoliation is always suggested, but scrubbing is a no-no. The objective is to soothe your face and rid it of acne. Not aggravate the skin and cause yourself pain. Washing your face with water, while healthy for your skin, is unlikely to remedy the issue ? which lies in the buildup of oils in the skin caused by DHT.

Acne Solution:

Finding an acne treatment that attacks the real root cause of acne ? the buildup of oils in the skin which leads to blackheads and attracts bacteria. By reducing the level of DHT in the skin layer, oil production is reduced, thereby eliminating acne creating at the source.

Jen Carter is team member for Clearogen, a new acne treatment created by Board Certified Dermatologist Dr Alex Khadavi, designed to attack the root causes of teenage and adult acne instead of simply addressing the symptoms. Visit

Fight Aging

8:57 PM

Developing an anti-aging program is the newest scientific approach to helping you live a longer, healthier and more active life. Some of the greatest benefits include improved mental and cognitive funtion, stronger cardiovascular system, increased lean body mass and decreased body fat, improve sexual function, fewer wrinkles, thicker skin and better skin tone. The main components of anti-aging to include in your program are:Optimal nutrition, proper skincare, regular excercise, hormone replacement therapy, and lifestyle behavioral changes such as smoke, stress management, and reduced alcohol asumption.

Excercise is the simplest and least expensive anti-aging tool. You can work with a personal trainer, and better yet, participation in a regular fitness program will provide you needed exercise benefits. Be sure to check with your physician before beginning any rigorous exercise program.

If your body is armed with the ammunition to defend itself, your body will have stronger immunity and reduced disease, and you'll find yourself seeking medical attention less frequently. Through the synergistic action of all these components, anti-aging scientists have observed a significant change and even reversal of some aging effects. Now it's your turn to observe these changes in your skin and body. Discuss additional options for addressing changes to your skin with your skincare professional professional.

Mina Dimakis-Lev

Tips to Look Younger

5:49 PM

Almost every woman wants to look young at all times. Most of them put in their best efforts to look beautiful and young forever. Mentioned below are a few don?ts for women who want to look young:

A woman must not apply foundation cream before putting powder, because a woman will appear pale and unhealthy instead of displaying a fair complexion.

The powder foundation must be avoided if possible because it gets gathered in the wrinkles of the skin and the wrinkles can be seen clearly.

Avoid glimmering eye shadow. The glimmering eye shadow when applied does not enhance the natural beauty of the face. Brown eye shadows bring a pale and a dull look to the face, hence it is advised to not use it.

Black colored eyeliners do not enhance a women?s look because they appear like two lines on the eyes. Do not use any faint colored liner because it does not hide any defects under your eyes.

Do not thin your eyebrows because very thin lines of brows make you look aged. Make sure that the cosmetics you use is not too dark or gaudy. See that the makeup does not get accommodated in between furrows and creases on your face. Do not put lip liner prominently as it will sometimes make you look like a clown.

Follow the above-mentioned tips and look young and beautiful.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Finding Effective Skin Care Products

2:34 PM

To know what to look for in an antiaging skin care product, it?s important to understand what causes deterioration in the skin over time. All aspects of aging, including slack skin, wrinkles and uneven skin tone are the result of free radical damage at the molecular level.

Oxygen molecules are the bad boys of the antiaging world. When involved in a chemical reaction, they frequently lose one of their electrons and then dash madly about trying to steal an electron from another molecule. This can start a destructive chain reaction of unstable molecules, called free radicals, dashing around creating more unstable molecules.

Think of it like a radical mob building to riot force. Free radical damage is also known as oxidation. On metal, it appears in the form of rust. So when we say we are getting rusty, it?s not really far from the truth!

Fortunately skin has amazing regenerative abilities that help it repair damage up to a point. As well, nature has provided an anti-riot squad called The Antioxidants. Antioxidants are found in the human body and elsewhere in nature. They effectively block free radicals from getting to other healthy stable molecules.

But there are factors that can accelerate free radical damage to the point that the balance of power shifts in favor of the free radical mob. Current thinking categorizes the factors into: lifestyle (meaning where and how you live); the natural aging process; and genetics.

Some of these skin risk factors can be changed and some can?t. As time and science march on, the list of factors which can be mitigated grows longer and longer. Lifestyle changes are frequently possible if you know what to do and are motivated to make the changes.

Thanks to fairly recent scientific findings, the natural aging process of skin can be slowed and even reversed to some extent. That leaves only the genetic factors of skin aging that we are stuck with. At least for now.

UV protection, in the form of SPF creams, is the first topical step to take for your skin?s health. The second is moisturizing. The third step is assisting the fight against free radical damage with antioxidants. Steps four and five are skin care products that help remove old/dead/abnormal skin cells and those that promote normal skin regeneration. Many ingredients shown to accomplish this demolition and renovation are found in the latest generation of face creams.

In addition to antiaging treatments that support physical health and beauty, there are also antiaging skin care creams that address cosmetic concerns like adult acne, uneven skin pigmentation and lines of expression.

While no one dies from these conditions, it is widely accepted that if we look better, we feel better. So though treatments for these skin conditions are termed cosmetic , they frequently have a mental health benefit in that they support a healthy self-image and increased self confidence.

This article is for informational purposes only. It does not purport to offer medical advice. Consult a qualified physician before using any of these products.

For a list of the most effective skin care ingredients and what they do, visit

Jean Bowler was a teacher, ballet dancer and instructor, personal trainer, cosmetics consultant and more. She is the editor of Ageless Beauty ?

It's So Easy to Have Smooth Skin All You Need is an Epilator

2:40 PM

There are many hair removal systems available in today?s retail stores, but which ones actually work and give you weeks of peace-of-mind and hair free sensitive skin areas?

Okay, we know that we can purchase razors in all sizes, types and styles, but most razors do not get those small fine hairs and you usually have to shave at least every other day or you have that prickly feeling. This is very unsightly as the short hair poke out of your pantyhose and can even cause runs in your hose. Then there are all types of shaving creams and gels that are suppose to lift the hairs for easier shaving, but you are still left with shaving about every other day.

Then there is waxing. These hair removal systems do in fact rid your body of unwanted hair, but try in on your bikini line. This can be very painful, not to mention time consuming.

There is also a type of laser surgery that guarantees it is a permanent hair removal system. But, who can afford to have a doctor remove unwanted hair, plus the time involved as well.

The cheapest easiest hair removal systems are epilators. These unique hair removal systems were designed especially for women. There are several on the market today that are virtually pain free that can guarantee you will rid your body of unwanted hair for 4 to 6 weeks.

The idea of these hair removal systems is that they use a specially designed head with one or more rows of tweezer type discs that will pull the hair out by the root. When the hair comes out at the root it will take much longer to grow back. You may say, ouch, but in fact they are designed to hold the skin taunt to aid in pain reduction. They are also created with unique heads that do not even touch the skin to ensure that your skin does not become irritated.

In the course of my work I have had nothing but praise from my clients to whom I have recommended epilators.

So, if you are seeking hair removal systems that are convenient, safe, and inexpensive, then you need to compare epilators. You are sure to come up with one which matches your lifestyle.

As a beauty consultant Nicola Kennedy is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for the Best Resources, Views and Information to help you choose the Best Epilator for you.

Copyright ? All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Tips and Advice: Puffy Eyes

1:09 AM

Some of the causes of puffy eyes are: lack of sleep, alcohol, allergies, aging, stress, poor diet and genetics.

To decrease the appearance of puffy eyes use a thinly sliced cold cucumber or a slice of raw potato and place a slice on each eye. Use any cold compress on your eyes for a few minutes, but do not place ice cubes directly on your skin. Cotton wool pads soaked in witch hazel (which reduces swelling) or iced water should also do the trick.

You can also reduce the appearance of puffy eyes by taking a beaten egg white with a drop or two of witch hazel and brushing it under your eyes for a tightening effect.

Do you need to change your lifestyle in order to decrease the puffiness under your eyes?

Do you know that salty foods cause water retention which can accumulate in the eye area? Sodas and alcohol drinks are high in sodium (salt). Drink water instead. Do you drink enough water? Remember you should drink 8 glasses of water per day.

Exercise will help your overall circulation, including your renal circulation and will aid in the elimination of water. Do not sleep on your stomach, instead, sleep on your back with your head elevated so that water cannot accumulate around the eye are.

Here is a great tip: DO NOT NOT NOT use preparation H on your face!

A concealer or highlighter can do wonders to hide puffiness under your eyes. Pat your concealer on first and blend it in so it looks natural. Then apply your foundation and set it with a light dusting of loose powder.

There are many eye treatment creams on the market today that are formulated specifically to reduce bags underneath your eyes. I recommend Colos? Creme Miracle as it reduces puffiness, fine lines and dark circles. It contains collagen, vitamins, elastin and jojoba oil. Store creams in the refrigerator, as the coldness will also help reduce puffiness.

If you continually have eye puffiness go see your doctor. You could be having symptoms of sinusitis or allergies that can be cleared up by antibiotics or medication.

CREDIT BYLINE: Article written by Katrina VanDoran, Editor of Make-up USA Newsletter: Ms. VanDoran is a top makeup artist at her Spa in Brussels, Belgium. She predominantly uses Bren and Colos? Cosmetics and Skin Care products. Make-up USA ? All Rights Reserved.

The Truth About Your Acne Problem!

2:11 AM

Like a good many people I have been the victim of acne vulgaris (what an appropriate name for such a vulgar disease) the medical term for pimples.

My acne problem has made me aggravated, made me cry, and made me angry. Thousands of people each year are afflicted by an acne problem, and their acne problem makes recluses out of way too many teenagers and even adults.

Your acne problem is caused when your pores get clogged and the fatty material made by the sebaceous gland accumulates, and a bump appears under the skin-or perhaps a whitehead or a blackhead (a comedone).

Blackheads are not caused by dirt but by the discoloring effect of air on the fatty material in the clogged pore. If this substance becomes infected a pimple results.

That is the medical explanation for pimples but what people really want to know is How do I get RID of my acne problem!?

As anyone can tell you the worst thing to do is to push or pop a pimple. Because this will not only cause your acne problem to worsen, but can result in life long scars.

No matter what you see on TV or in movies and no matter what anyone in your family or what any friend tells you, DON'T pop that pimple.

I speak from personal experience, my acne problem was so bad I couldn't stand it so I popped pimples trying to be proactive in getting rid of them.

That is the wrong method to get involved in doing something to rid yourself of your acne problem. I am still paying for doing it by the scars that remain on my face.

The right way is a simple trick I learned that lessons acne dramatically:

Steam your face at night over a warm bowl of water for 20 minutes before retiring to bed (this should be after washing your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser like Olay's or Neutragena's facial cloths)

And then massage one half a teaspoon of castor oil onto your face for about 1 minute, until your face is just lightly shiny.

This will help keep your pores open and prevent new pimples from forming (the steaming opens pores and helps get rid of old pimples).

In the morning you should wash your face again immediately after waking and steam face again for 20 more minutes.

After steaming your face in the morning splash your face with cold water and dry off.

Do this consistently every night and morning for optimal results in clearing up your acne problem.

Now that you are armed with this information put it to use tonight and watch the improvement as your acne problem fades and your skin begins to glow after just a short period of time.

For more of Beth's expert advice visit her Website now!

Bounce Back From the Wintertime Blahs With A ThreeDay Cleansing Diet

2:42 AM

Wintertime leaves a lot of us feeling blah and washed out. Our skin gets dry and pale, our eyes can seem dull and lifeless ? and let?s not even get started with the foods we eat.

Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas parties and New Year?s Eve ? all came with plenty of rich, decadent dishes and calorie-laden cocktails. It?s no wonder that by the time spring arrives, we could really use a pick-me-up.

And those are just a few of the things a quick cleanse can remedy. Have you been plagued by chronic constipation, allergies, sinusitis, or any other chronic aches and pains? If you?re tired of relying on over-the-counter medications to make it through day to day life, there might just be an unexpected culprit ? blockage(s) in your body?s elimination system.

Basically, what this means is that you might be suffering from mucus and other wastes building up in your body?s major routes of elimination:

?Your lungs
?Your pores
?Your kidneys, and
?Your bowels.

Getting rid of this waste build-up will better allow your body to get the most out of your regular diet ? a bit like the performance difference you see between low- and high-octane fuel.

Important Things to Consider Before You Begin...
Of course, the three day cleansing diet isn?t for everyone. Some people may be too weak or may suffer from conditions that make the cleansing diet too dangerous to undertake. For this reason, it?s important to stress how vital it is to first consult with your doctor before you begin a new dietary regiment.

Also, I can?t stress enough that this is a diet to help you cleanse your system out, not too help you lose weight. Misuse could be extremely hazardous to your health!

Now that we?ve covered the basics, let?s delve on into the specifics of the cleansing diet.

The Diet in a Nutshell...

While you may come across several different variations of the 3 day cleansing diet, here are some of the things they?ll all have in common:

?You?ll have to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day
?When it comes to foods, be ready to restrict your diet to 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, preferably raw or steamed.
?In case you didn?t get the hint, that means NO meat.
?If you do opt for breads or cereals (and you probably shouldn?t), it?s important that you only chose whole grains
?During this 72 hour period, it?s important to avoid sugars, coffees, and sodas. If you?re afraid you?ll suffer from headaches from caffeine withdrawals, you might want to begin slowly reducing your coffee intake prior to the ?fast.?

The Cleansing Diet in Action...

While there are many different variations of the cleansing diet being touted by various different experts, most of them follow a pattern that looks something like this:

Day 1 ? A complete food fast, water only
Day 2 ? 5 or 6 servings of fruit and fruit juice only (water is still a must)
Day 3 ? 5 or 6 servings of vegetables and veggie juice only (water is still a must)
Day 4 ? Go back to your regular diet

Of course, variations do exist, and with a little research, you should have no trouble finding one suitable for your own unique needs. Three days later, a whole new, detoxified woman will be looking back at you in the mirror!

About the Author

Nathan Fischer writes for BeautyProductsUSA. Stop by for emerging beauty products and trends, and fine products such as Claus Porto soap.

How To: Quick and Easy Natural Massage Melts

12:51 AM

Massage melts are a unique body product because they stay solid at room temperatures, but when applied directly to your skin, start to soften and melt due to body temperature. Their main purpose is to moisturize dry skin, as well as, relax and soothe tight muscles.

Essentially, massage bars are composed of natural butters and oils. Most recipes for this type of product call for the use of cocoa butter. Even though it has great moisturizing properties, I feel this butter produces too hard a product. Therefore, I recommend using such butters as shea and mango, which create a silkier, luxurious feeling to your melts.

For oils, I highly recommend using sweet almond and jojoba. Sweet almond oil is light and penetrates easily making it well-suited for dry skin conditions. Plus, it is effective on all skin types. Jojoba oil, which is not actually an oil but is a liquid wax, is similar in composition to the oil your skin secretes, which is known as sebum. Jojoba is a quickly absorbed oil that soothes the skin, as well as, extends the shelf life of other oils.

Other ?light? oils you can substitute, for the above, are apricot kernel, grapeseed, sunflower, safflower, or soybean. Rounding out the rest of the ingredients are beeswax, vitamin E, and essential and fragrance oils.

Beeswax helps formulations keep their shape, as well as, act as a humectant. Vitamin E oil protects your product from rancidity and is also a great natural antioxidant. Essential oils are natural ingredients that are the very essence of the plant itself. Extracted from the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark, and roots of the plant, the oils are used for scent and therapeutic purposes. A word of caution, due to their volatility, research any essential oil before use. Fragrance oils, though synthetic in nature, do provide an inexpensive and easy way to achieve a scent that might not be possible with essential oils.

3 ? oz. of shea butter
3 ? oz. of beeswax
2 oz. of jojoba oil
2 oz. of sweet almond oil
? tsp. of Vitamin E

Mold(s) of your choice
1 digital cooking thermometer
2 Pyrex glass measuring cups
1 small digital postal scale
1 set of measuring aluminum spoons
Wax paper for measuring on the scale
Plastic wrap to cover Pyrex cups

Step 1: Gather all equipment onto a clean, sterile surface. Place a sheet of wax paper over the small digital postal scale to measure out the shea butter and beeswax base. Place base in a Pyrex cup and cover with plastic wrap. Melt ingredients, completely, in the microwave.

Step 2: While the base is melting, use the second Pyrex cup for your jojoba, sweet almond, vitamin E, and essential/fragrance oils (if used). Mix, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside.

Step 3: Once the base has melted, mix thoroughly. Pour the Pyrex cup from step 2 into the base Pyrex cup, mix together, and pour into your mold(s). Set aside for a couple of hours to cool and set. When soft, transfer the melts to the fridge until they are really hard. They should just pop out of the molds easily. Massage into skin and let product become absorbed. Due to melting properties, keep unused portions out of direct sunlight and store in a cool place.

Note: If you plan on using essential and/or fragrance oils in your recipe, place a digital thermometer in the melted shea butter and beeswax base. Wait for the temperature to drop down to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything higher will burn off the fragrant oils. After the temperature has reached this point immediately dump your Pyrex cup from step 2 into the Pyrex cup with the base, mix quickly, and pour into your mold(s). Follow the rest of step 3 instructions.

Muscle Relief Essential Oil Blend
? tsp. of Eucalyptus
? tsp. of Peppermint (do not use if pregnant)
30 drops of Rosemary

Tropical Fragrance Oil Blend (Substitute shea butter with mango butter)
? tsp of Heliotrope fragrance oil
? tsp of Coconut Milk fragrance oil
30-50 drops of Tahitian Vanilla fragrance oil

All recipe ingredients, listed above, can be found by searching

Mindy Schwartz is a writer for the handmade beauty industry, as well as, the owner of a handmade bath and body business called Grayson?s Apothecary of Beauty. For more information, go online to

Your Hair Is Communicating What Is Yours Saying?

9:36 PM

Stunning! Impressive! Wow! How did they do that? These are all statements that have come to mind when I analyze hairstyles I see on women while I'm out and about. Unfortunately, She did that at home!? What in the world? and No she didn't! also come to mind when I see others.

Maybe it's because I'm a stylist and that's what I do. Maybe it's because I'm a man and I key in on what I like. Maybe I shouldn't care so much...but I do, and the truth is so does everyone else! I'm just honest enough to share this information with you.

I know that it's wrong, but...the same way people judge you by the way you speak, they judge you on how you carry yourself!

Your image is so important, that the best salespeople use it as a selling tool! But don't take my word for it. Think about it! Remember that job you really wanted? You HAD to look your best for the interview...right?

Ever wonder why celebrities spend massive amounts of money on their appearance? It helps them sell themselves. From recording artists, to actors, to models to CEOs! As human beings we get the impression that because they have their appearance together they have their lives together as well.

On the flip side of the coin, when we see people that don't seem to care about their appearance?we get the impression that they don't really care about balance and organization and they are probably not on top of things.

Now I'm not saying these impressions are true, I am merely stating the impressions that we may get.

Let's touch on the statements that various hairstyles make. When I see a woman with a casual look wearing highlights (professional and compliment her entire look) I tend to think of a professional. On the flip side of the coin styles like dreads that haven?t been taken care of, can seem intimidating, rebellious or threatening.

The way you wear your hair, from the messy just got out of bed look to extensions, to dreads, to braids to low/high top fades...your hair is saying something about you! Some people?s styles are inviting. Other people?s looks can be intimidating. Your style may be professional, and then again it may be casual. If you get nothing else from this information, take this with you. Your hair, and your style are nonverbal expression to others.

Your hair is communicating what is yours saying?

Dwayne Pressley is a licensed cosmetologist, hair care consultant, (found at public speaker and author of the internet's scorching hot e-book on the subject of hair What Your Hair stylist Doesn't Want You To Know for more information join the group and/or visit him at

5 Common Beauty Mistakes That Age Your Skin Prematurely

2:19 AM

What you do now can affect how quickly you age 10 or 20 years down the road. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to premature aging of your skin. Whether you look 10 years older than your peers or 10 years younger than them a few decades from now all depends on what you do now.

These 5 mistakes are

1. Too many late nights.

Whether you party all night long or work through the night to meet deadlines. Not getting enough sleep at night is going to affect your skin. In the short run, you look terrible the next day without makeup. In the long run, your skin ages faster. Some of the women who stay beautiful into their twillight years have always gone to bed early every night since they were young.

2. Too much crash diets.

Lose weight suddenly then gain it back and lose it again quickly, over and over again. Your skin has to readjust to all that weight gain and weight loss so often it loses its elasticity. Result.. you end up looking older than if you had lost weight gradually and kept at a certain weight.

3. Too much junk food

All that sugar, salt, additives, artificial flavouring, cholesterol, fat and unhealthy stuff in your junk food all adds up. It gets worse if for lunch, you have a pack of M & Ms on the go. Not only do you get fat, stretching your skin further, you deprive your body of the nutrients you need. Your skin needs vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients you get from fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, grains and wholesome food. The women who look younger than their actual age tend to have healthy diets. Snack on fresh fruit and nuts instead of junk food. Eat proper nutritious meals.

4. Getting a real tan

No doubt, lots of A-list celebrities sport that glowing tan. The gorgeous crowd is often a tan crowd. You can get that tan too, but do it without the sun or UV lamps. You see, a real tan is produced when the UV rays of the sun damage your skin. It might look healthy but someone who tans regularly when young usually ends up with leathery skin decades later, more wrinkles than their peers, and that is IF they are lucky. Some even end up with skin cancer. The smart way to get that gorgeous tan is use sunless tanning products.

5. Not using sunscreen.

You might use all the anti-aging skin care products you can find, but if you skip sunscreen, all is in vain. Sun damage is one of the biggest culprits in the premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Whether you are at the beach or going out to get some groceries, your skin needs protection from the sun. Each morning, as part of your skin care routine, apply a sunblock moisturizer.

The writer is the webmaster of, where you can find cosmetics, skincare, makeup and all the beauty products from your favourite beauty brand.

Beauty Product Deals: Are They Out There

1:35 AM

Finding beauty product deals is ideal but seems next to impossible most of the time. Even when some of the products that you are looking for seem to be being offered at discount prices, in most cases they are still relatively expensive. Is there a secret way to getting the beauty product deals that you need? Whether or not it is a secret is uncertain, but what is for sure is the fact that you will find many of these deals available on the web.

Okay, so it may not be the first thing that you see, but there are some great opportunities for saving money through beauty product deals in cyberspace. You will likely find these opportunities by looking through the web. For example, you may be lucky enough to stumble to a beauty product wholesale dealer who is sure to be able to find you some great deals on all the products that you want.

You can often find discounts available on designer beauty products as well as many generics by watching for sales that are offered at your favorite designer?s website or the website of a large product dealer. These are some of the best sales. Make sure to check out if they have a clearance area where they may be trying to get rid of some of last season?s colors and styles to make room for the new. You will see that many times things are marked considerably down just because they need to get ready for the new stuff.

There is little doubt that the best products for you are those that you can find on the web. You will have access to virtually every location in which you can purchase these through and you can easily monitor sales and discounts as well. Beauty product deals are out there, throughout the web.

for more information please see

Unveiling the Fragrance Mystique

10:37 PM

Each ingredient varies in its smell as well as in its ?staying power? on the skin. Fragrance gets absorbed into the skin faster when the skin is dry and flaky. To make the scent last longer, you might look into body lotions in the same scent. You can even use unscented body lotion, but the scented ones obviously will give you more lasting power.

For the greatest lasting power, start in the shower. Use a buffing cream to buff away dry, dead skin. Use a cleansing gel, in a complimentary scent. Very often spa scents are produced with a variety of products-cleansing gel, sugar scrubs, lotions and a body mist sprays.

Next, apply the lotion to the areas where you generally apply your body spray to prevent the fragrance from being totally absorbed into the skin. This absorption is normal and in fact, perfumers distinguish between the various stages of the fragrance in the following way:

Top Note ? is the first impression of the fragrance, the initial impact right from the bottle.

Middle Note ? develops over a period of a few minutes after the perfume is applied to the skin.

Base Note ? is the final impression of the fragrance. This is the stage in which we refer to as the ?lasting power? of the fragrance.

Perfume (sometimes spelled parfum) is the longest lasting and strongest form of fragrance containing the highest concentration of essential oil. It is the fragrant oils that give a perfume a particular scent.

Eau de Parfum is the next in line according to the strength or the concentration of essential oils.

Eau de Toilette is a lighter version of a fragrance with less concentrated essential oils. Hence the reason it is generally more affordable.

Lastly, scented bath and body products have a hint of the fragrant essential oils. Layering the fragrance will make it last longer. Bath yourself in head to toe fragrance for a totally spa like experience.

Have a great day!

Dawn Hull
Professional Skin Care Consultant

Sign up to receive a FREE monthly beauty newsletter: Beaut-e-News - Discover what's new, what's now ? what's changing the face of makeup and skin care! You'll find beauty secrets revealed and tips and techniques that will help you look your beautiful best. Click here to register:

Acne Medication Potential Side Effects

6:14 PM

Patients with mild or occasional acne may be able to treat themselves without the use of prescription medication. Such remedies may include an alteration in diet and exercise habits, regular cleansing to remove residue and buildup on the skin, choosing the right cosmetics and eliminating stress. But for some individuals, this simply isn?t enough. For those who suffer from moderate to severe acne, a stronger medication may be needed in order for that individual to find relief from their condition.

There are several different types of medication that are commonly used to treat acne, each of which may contain the potential for certain side effects. As is the case with most over-the-counter acne medication, prescription medicines are usually available as gels, creams, lotions or solutions. In determining which is the best choice for the patient, a physician will study the skin type, severity of acne and the patient?s likelihood of having a negative reaction to any medication. Once a prescription is written, the physician will explain how often to use the medicine and how to properly apply it to the skin.

As mentioned previously, it is not uncommon for individuals to have a reaction to strong acne medication. For some it is only temporary, but others may require a change in their prescription. The most widely seen reaction is that of the skin?s condition actually worsening. Many physicians agree that most medications will cause the skin to worsen before it actually improves, which may take 6-8 weeks of using a medication. However, additional side effects may include extreme redness, burning, stinging, peeling, soreness, scaling or a discoloration of the skin. If individuals notice these side effects becoming increasingly worse or if they do not go away after a specified period of use, which should be indicated by a physician, the medication may need to be changed.

Individuals who take oral medications for the treatment of acne may face an entirely different set of potential side effects, including an upset stomach, dizziness and skin discoloration. Certain types of medication can be dangerous to women who are pregnant or children under a certain age, so individuals should report any possible conditions to their physician prior to accepting a prescription.

As with any medication, there are often risks and benefits of it?s use. The best way to learn of these is to speak with a physician, ask about any potential side effects and completely disclose your current medical condition and any medications that you are currently taking. In some instances, medications may negatively react with one another and this can be very dangerous to the patient. Acne medicine is no different and the patient should have a complete understanding of how it operates before using it.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for the cause, diagnosis or treatment of acne. If necessary, individuals should consult a medical doctor or dermatologist for information regarding the use of acne medication or other effective treatment methods.

Find more about acne medicine, bacne treatments or read about natural acne treatments on

Spa ? For Relaxation and Rejuvenation

2:09 AM

It is really a task to find out the type of spa that wholly suits you. You must firstly determine what type of spa you would like to visit depending on your expectations. There are different types of spas available depending upon your needs such as relaxation, rejuvenation or conditioning etc.

There are four distinct spas that are available and they are the following:

1.Fitness: they are designed for people who want to stay fit and relax. Therefore activities such as aerobics and outdoor sports take place here. The people who are interested in sports etc, are bound to enjoy this program because they get a chance to take part in many new activities.

2.Wellness: the people who have an eventful medical history are treated here. The people, who conduct tests are licensed health care specialists. Different treatments are administered to the patients. The visitors here are usually persons who are recovering from operations or trying to quit smoking, alcohol, drugs etc.

3.Day spa: Visitors here are usually the beauty-conscious people. They come here to beautify themselves and also relax here.

4.Holistic: Most of the folks join this circle to learn more about spirituality. It is a center for self-realization. Different meditation techniques are taught here ranging from different cultures such as Chinese Tai Chi meditation, Indian Yoga etc.

Visiting a spa is good if you want to relax and rejuvenate.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Hair Threading As A Hair Removal Technique

2:29 AM

Hair threading is becoming more and more popular as individuals search for a new way to remove hair. The process can be done at home if you would like to or you can get a much better procedure done through a salon. For those that are looking for a new method of hair removal, besides all the waxing and the shaving, hair threading may be the answer for you. Although it is about as painful as waxing, it can help to remove the fine hair that grows over your body.

You will use normal sewing thread to get the job done. The hair will be removed from the root. For an at home method, try this:

Use two feet of sewing thread. Knot the ends to make a large circle.

Hold it in both hands and wind it about ten times until it looks like a bow tie. The wound up portion needs to be in the middle.

Now, spread the fingers of one hand so that the wound portion moves to the other hand. Practice moving it back and forth for a few minutes.

Alternate the fingers that you move, spread and close.

Practice first with your leg hairs until you learn how to do it well.

Prop one leg up while you sit on a chair. Place the wound side of the thread on one side of the hair and lay the thread from the opposite end around both sides of the hair.

Move your fingers as you have been practicing quickly. The hair is captures and pulled from the root.

It is often wise to learn how to do hair threading by watching someone else do it. So, perhaps you should invest in a salon procedure the first time so that you can learn. Yes, it hurts a little and yes it is going to need to be done several times, but the process is one way for you to easily fight back unwanted hair. Once you learn how to do it, you will do it better. And, since there are no real risks of using hair threading there is no reason not to enjoy it.

As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about home hair removal.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Taming The Frizz

10:32 PM

My daughter hates her hair. Several of my friends hate their hair, too. Why? Because it tends to frizz!

We're not talking afro style frizz here or even anything remotely close, but when your hair's supposed to be sleek and smooth, even the tiniest amount of frizz can be frustrating.

While I'm not going to suggest I can cure your problems, having had my share of the frizzes I've picked up a good few tips through the years and hopefully, by following them, you'll soon be experiencing frizz-free days, too.

* DO NOT wash you hair daily

Although you may feel that your hair will be dirty if you don't wash it every morning while you shower, others are very unlikely to notice. Only greasy hair will show signs of being unwashed after one day and frizzy hair is rarely greasy. On the contrary, the fact that you're stripping away your hair's natural oils is the most likely cause of your frizz problem. Leave your hair for 3-4 days between washes.

* DO use conditioner

Try to find a moisturising conditioner and use it after every wash. It's really worth paying a little extra for a good quality conditioner and if you can't afford both a good shampoo and a good conditioner, put the extra money into the conditioner.

* DO give your hair an intensive hot oil treatment

About once every third wash (if you're sticking to the 3-4 day washing guide), use a leave-in intensive conditioner on your hair. This will help replace any natural oils that your hair has lost due to the abrasive cleaners in shampoo and your hair being exposed to the elements (sun, wind etc).

* DO NOT use chemicals on your hair

Those who are unhappy with their hair have a tendency to colour it and use all sorts of other chemicals in a vain hope of somehow making it look better. The truth is, these chemicals are just adding to your problem. If your hair has a tendency to frizz, keep away from unnecessary chemical products.

* DO NOT expose your hair to the elements

Sun and wind will both dry your hair causing excessive frizzing. Try to wear a scarf or hat to cover your hair whenever you're in the sun and especially if you know you're going to be spending a lot of time outdoors. A scarf will also protect against wind damage. You might also consider buying hair products that protect against UV rays (they have a SPF - Sun Protection Factor).

* DO have your hair cut regularly

Those with frizzy hair will probably be happier with a short style but whatever you choose, it's important you visit your hairdresser regularly as split ends will only add to the problem.

* DO try to keep your hair dry

Damp air leads to frizz. Unfortunately, we can't always ensure that our hair will stay dry but if you think it might rain, carry an umbrella. There are some really funky looking brollies around these days so they won't cramp your style.

* DO NOT use heated styling tools

Hair dryers, straightening irons and curling tongs all damage the hair and should be avoided as much as possible. If you MUST use them, always use a protective product on your hair beforehand. If you're uncertain of the kind of product you'd need, ask your hairdresser for advice.

* DO use anti-frizz products

Products such as frizz-ease aren't just another way of getting you to part with your money. Although they'll never completely eliminate the problem, they really do help decrease it. However, it's important that you stick with the other tips, too. Using anti-frizz products alone simply isn't enough.

Although I can't promise your frizz problems will disappear, these tips should at least help you eliminate the worst of the problem.

Just remember that whatever nature's given you, it's a lot better than if you'd not been given anything at all.

Have a happy hair day!

Sharon Jacobsen is a freelance writer living in South Cheshire, England. Like most women, she spent a lot of time over the years messing around with her hair but has now learned to live with what she has. To contact Sharon, please visit

Hurricane Hairdo and Beauty Considerations

5:57 PM

Most meteorologists and weather predictions are stating now that the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season will be one of the largest on record and that means it will be a bad hair day. You need to consider a new hurricane hairdo to maintain your image during the hurricane season.

You can expect very hot and high winds from tropical storms, tropical depressions and of course the small and large category hurricanes. Even if you evacuate during mandatory evacuation; you may still experience high winds up to 1000 miles away from where the hurricane actually makes landfall and you may not have time to keep brushing your hair every five minutes or more and keep it perfect. Therefore you must maintain a hairstyle, which is conducive to very high and hot winds so that your hair falls back into place effortlessly. This is why the hurricane hairdos and other beauty considerations are among the top priorities for women during the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season.

If you're planning your evacuation procedure and necessary supplies away from the hurricane area of the potential landfall strike then you'll need to take certain makeup with you and you should be advised that you may lose sleep and even stay in your car overnight because many of the hotel rooms will be filled.

You'll need a simple haircut to prevent you from having a bad hurricane hair day and you will need to take simple beauty aids to freshen yourself up without being able to take a shower. Hurricanes are serious business and therefore you need to take your hairdo and beauty supplies serious. Consider always the 2006.

Lance Winslow

Radio Frequency Energy Fans Thermacool

10:47 PM

I guess you wouldn?t think that radio frequency energy would be making waves in the beauty industry? But, it is. A device that uses RFE is being used in the Thermalcool procedure. If you don?t know what Thermacool is, then you haven?t had your ear to the station. Thermacool is the new non-surgical procedure that gives men and women a healthy alternative to surgical facelifts. The process tightens your skin by contracting the deep layers of skin. Thermacool is also known on the market as Thermalift and Thermage. Let?s call it Thermacool because it sounds hip.

Two thumbs up! That?s the rating The Food and Drug Administration is giving Thermacool. The FDA?s approval is leading to the procedures widespread use. Doctors and their patients believe Thermcool irons out wrinkles and reduces sagging skin. The face is the best place to use Thermacool, however it is used on the neck and arms as well. It is a good treatment anywhere there is loose skin. Some folks are using it under the arms and to treat stretch marks on the abdomen and hips.

60-Year Old Lynn Shores had a treatment six months ago and is looking forward to having another one in about three more months. She says, ?I was looking twice my age! I had the procedure done because I wanted to look younger and prettier in my face.? Shores began to see results about two months after having the treatment. She is among a growing number of people who believe the benefits of Thermacool far outweigh the risks. Thermacool may cause some discomfort but the risk of surgery, anesthesia and scarring are less than with surgical procedures. In fact, some people say the procedure really doesn?t hurt that much at all.

So you may be wondering how does it work? It takes anywhere from thirty to forty five minutes to complete the Thermacool procedure. Most patients? only need a topical anesthetic cream placed on the face. Your technician will do that about an hour before the treatment is scheduled to begin. Other people may need Valium or some other kind of oral sedative. ?I was just so jittery about having it done, says 35 year old Marc Thompson. I didn?t know if it would improve my appearance or make it worst. I guess men are just not supposed to try these things, but I took my wife?s recommendation.? Thermacool is not any different from any other surgical procedure if you need a stronger sedative, you?ll need an anesthesiologist to administer the dose.

As I mentioned, Thermacool uses radio frequency energy to apply heat under the epidermis or top layer of the skin. The heat is applied directly into the dermis layer. The dermis layer is right under the epidermis. I could feel a warming on my face. It felt unusual. I couldn?t do anything but lay still,? says Tonya Morgan.

You?ll want to lay still too as the heat causes the tissue in the dermis layer to warm up. This controlled heating of deeper layers of skin and tissue causes the skin to contract and tighten. This is known as volumetric tissue heating. There is some pain every time there is a pulse, but a cooling spray brings some relief after each pulse.

The volumetric tissue heating causes the collagen underneath the skin tissue to contract and shrink. At the same time, the top layer of the skin is kept cool by cryogen cooling. Cryogen cooling keeps the temperature on the surface of the skin cool while the dermis tissues are heated up. The heating action causes two reactions. The first result is an increased thickness in the top layer of skin. It?s the heating that actually causes works to reduce the wrinkles.

The second result is collagen remolding and the production of new collagen. The skin continues to tighten over time as the skin heals. You may be able to see a difference in your appearance immediately. However, it takes most people up to six months to see a difference. It is possible for the procedure to be repeated again after six months. You should let your technicians take before and after pictures to help you see any subtle changes.

Now, you?re probably wondering whether Thermacool, Thermage and Thermalift are right for you. Patient?s who live on a pacemaker cannot undergo the procedure; it?s just too risky. You may want to pass on the procedure if your skin is really, really loose. Surgery may be your only hope. However, Thermacool works best in combination with laser treatments, Botox, resytlane, and collagen injections. Traditional eye, forehead and eyebrow surgeries also work well with Thermacool.

Research shows Thermacool works! If it didn?t the FDA wouldn?t have given it a nod. Patients wouldn?t have issued a strong endorsement either. ?I?ve never felt better about myself. I know most people would be afraid to try a procedure like this, but not me! I?m all for looking younger and healthier. The best part is how good I feel about me,? says Shores.

About The Author

Barry A. S. Lycka is an internationally known cosmetic dermatologist and surgeon who practices in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where he has worked from 1989. Recently, Dr. Lycka was chosen as Alberta's Dream Makeover Doctor. For more information you can visit his website at

Divine Food for Divine Beauty

4:48 PM

Excerpted from the book ?Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You? by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at:

The phrase natural beauty has been abused and misused beyond restoration. The modern use is almost never associated with its true meaning. Someone said there should be a portrait of a healthy person in a museum so people would know what they are talking about. If we don?t know what a healthy person looks like, how do we know what natural beauty is?

In our unnatural world, the word natural no longer means without effort, at least not in the realm of obtaining your best look. One thing is a must in defining natural beauty: its achievement must not involve any sacrifice of health. None, period. If health is compromised in any way beauty is not natural.

Our body was created in the image of God, the Supreme Beauty. When our actions are in opposition to nature, the results are different types of bodily ills, deformities, and ugliness. Since there can be no natural beauty without eating 100 percent natural food, most of you have never seen the natural you.

There is an urgent need for another word. The contemporary meaning of natural is too far from the divine. I suggest filling this void with rawsome, a new word circulating in the raw food community. It is a combination of two words: raw and awesome with the meaning being something between natural and divine. The diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds also needs to be renamed. I have often been told that the phrase ?the raw food diet?, sounds like eating raw meat, particularly sushi, which is misleading. The raw food diet is so awesome that it should be called the very name it inspired- the Rawsome Diet.

Most of us feel our appearance lacks something. In reality, ugliness is more about excess. Toxic accumulations in our bodies are responsible for stealing our health and attractiveness. Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat, and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive, but in most cases it can be revived in a version that will be satisfactory to you. You must take immediate action to revitalize it. When you do, your uncovered beauty will surprise and delight you.

Eating cooked food will leave residues the body cannot utilize, and they will be deposited in places our Creator never intended. Everything not fully digested and properly eliminated, the body will treat as an abnormal substance. It will pocket these toxins as far away from the vital organs as possible--on the peripheries of the body--where it will invariably be reflected in our outward appearance. If the body cannot use it inside, it will deposit it on the outside. Nutrients from the food you eat spiral upward to the epidermis, and their quality will determine whether you will have a glowing clear complexion or skin spotted with growths, such as moles and skin sores.

Some physical characteristics of our face and body we cannot change--they were determined prior to our birth. But the consumption of the raw plant diet as an adult will make a difference in the texture of skin and hair, the health of nails, weight and complexion. All of these traits and more are determined by daily choices, with food being one of the most important and, luckily, the one we can fully control.

The Rawsome diet is the most suitable one for human physiology. It is salubrious to the body?s health and salutary to its beauty. The ability to renew cells is built into your body, and the body itself is capable of making you look more attractive. After all, we were designed to bloom continuously as old cells get replaced by new ones. The Rawsome diet makes the most of this rejuvenating ability of our bodies.

Rawsome beauty is not manufactured from the outside but cultivated from the inside by nutritionally charged food. Whole raw food restores the integrity of every cell and facilitates the optimal operation of every organ inside and out. The body, having been awakened by the improved diet, in its wisdom, will reach out to the places where health was lacking, and you will gradually see your beauty surfacing. The Rawsome diet will eliminate all the toxins on a deeper level and bring amazing changes to your appearance.

Only the body sustained on raw food will host natural beauty, or should we say Rawsome beauty. The landscape of the body will change. The surface of the skin will become soft and smooth but still firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion. The whites of eyes, once red, will become bright with a bluish tinge. As natural collagen production improves, it will fill in the places where it is needed as in hollow cheeks. Raw food eating will clarify and refine your features and bring delicacy to your face.

On the Rawsome Diet, you will marvel at how the Master Artist will make the most of your individual features and bring balance to the entire face. Texture, hues, and shape will be harmoniously arranged into a genteel whole. Perfection and imperfection will be tied together into a unique original version of beauty.

Each time I see a woman, I study her appearance, and I see not just the way she looks but the way she could look. What I see is how far her image falls short of her potential beauty. I perceive her beauty as it would stand out after the body has cleansed itself from toxins and excesses.

From age 15 until recently, I wore my hair permed, only to discover at 45 that straight hair in my natural color was the best possible frame for my face. Did my preference change? Not at all. My face did. So let me give you a hint, if you need a camouflaging hairdo, you are not looking your best. The changes in your face brought about by raw foods will bring the freedom to arrange your hair in any way you want. When your peer group is thinking: ?I am losing my looks?, you will be finding yours. At 45, I enjoy looking in the mirror while before I detested my reflection.

As the cleansing initiated by this diet is completed, you will be very pleased to see how you were meant to look. Your body will exhibit beauty and dignity. You will become satisfied, even fascinated, with your appearance. When you look your very best, you look perfect, in a sense that you are as close to the divine image for yourself as you could ever be. You accept yourself completely. Natural beauty is above conformity; it doesn?t demand to be accepted by the dictates of the beauty norm.

People who have been on the raw food lifestyle for several years begin to have a glow, the kind not often seen in middle-aged people. Optimal health is recognized by an emerging radiance. Glow is hard to fake because it is internal. It comes from an abundance of clear, pink, almost transparent cells that light up the face. Only superior blood circulation can bring this transfiguring glow. Several years on the raw food diet will make you look as though you just stepped out of a painting by Renoir--the impressionist best known for his preoccupation with light.

I have come to believe if you do not embrace the 100 percent raw food diet, you will never meet The Most Beautiful You. The best proof that the Rawsome diet is optimal for the body is it makes you beautiful. Slim face, slender waist, and clear skin with smooth coloration-these subtle changes will convince you the raw plant diet is the best for good health and graceful beauty. No woman knows her true beauty until she cleanses her body completely of all waste.

You can say there are people who are beautiful, and they are not on this diet. That is true. It is hard to believe, but even they haven't seen the best of themselves. Dissatisfaction with one?s appearance arises not from perceiving our bodies inaccurately but because subconsciously we are aware we haven?t achieved our optimal look. The Rawsome diet gives a feeling of authenticity, an assurance we have become what we were meant to be.

Raw food not only corrects beauty?s shortcomings but also lifts the limitations of one?s spirit and releases strains and tensions in both your mind and body. People on the raw food diet have an aura about them, a transcendent nobility and complacent dignity. Sickness is goodness lost, and our unhappiness is a longing for goodness. One takes in the goodness in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables and feels its purifying process on the inside. Goodness in one?s food summons up goodness in one?s appearance and character.

Do you think it is hard to follow this life style? Women have done so many outrageous and dangerous things to themselves in the pursuit of beauty, I believe they should at least try the Rawsome lifestyle, which promises to transform them into beautiful people. What a woman won?t do for health, she will do for beauty. This is the first time beauty asks no sacrifice from health.

?2003Tonya Zavasta

This article may be freely reprinted in its entirety as long as the entire article, byline and URL are included.

About The Author

Tonya Zavasta is the author of the book ?Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You? and of the soon to be published its sequel ?Beautiful on Raw?. In these books Tonya comes across as an ambassador for plain looking women in their quest for physical beauty. Tonya knows firsthand what it is to be humiliated, face adversity and meet the complex obstacles of daily living with a congenital disability. Facing several reconstructive hip surgeries to enable her to walk, she sought a way to offset the devastating effects of anesthetics on her health and appearance. She became more and more convinced that the solution to her quest for health and beauty was to be found in the raw food lifestyle or the Rawsome Diet as she calls it. The Rawsome Diet not only helped her to sail courageously through troublesome times, brought her general health and appearance to an all time best, but also opened a new chapter of her life. Firmly believing that the roots of under-performing and under-achieving lie in feeling and looking less than your personal best, she is on a mission: she wants every woman to look and feel beautiful. Tonya is convinced that by eating as God intended everyone can look uniquely beautiful as God envisioned.

To learn more about how you can uncover your Rawsome beauty, visit:

Body Massage: The Healing Touch

1:21 AM

Most of us experience this feeling of just giving up our fatigued bodies to a masseur who will massage away all the aches and pains caused by physical stress and mental tensions. The pain just seems to vanish out of your system once it is their expert hands. If you keep dreaming about this on your low days, well you are probably not alone for massage is a known stress reliever. Massage at its best has the power to restore the individual physically, mentally and spiritually.

What is a full body massage? How to massage?

Technically, full body massage is a hands-on manipulation of the skin, muscle and joints to relax muscle spasm, relieve tension, improve circulation and hasten elimination of toxins and wastes from the body. Massage is an ancient art. It has been known to be in practice in the Orient for over 3000 years. The expert hand of the masseur not only rubs away fatigue inducing stress but also improves blood circulation in the body. Apart from creating a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissue (the muscles, tendons and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. Although it mainly affects the muscles just underneath the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the internal organs.

Massage Therapy: Alternative medicine?

An essential part of alternative medicine, massage has gained popularity in the West too and is widely used to treat a variety of ailments. Different forms of massage include - Acupressure, Athletic Massage, Polarity Massage, Reflexology, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, Traeger Massage and Watsu. Aromatherapy massage makes use of aromatic essential oils known for their stress relieving effects. Manipulation of soft tissues affects many of our bodily systems; hence massage therapy stands to help many of the health problems we face today.

General Benefits of Massage

? Soothing relaxation
? Healing
? Eases tension, stiffness and pain
? Improves breathing
? Improves circulation
? Enhances well-being

The therapeutic benefits of massage

? Massage aims to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function.
? Boost immune system function, improve circulation and speed up recovery time.
? Relax tight and tense muscles
? Ease or prevent physical dysfunction and pain.
? Reduces overall stress and fatigue
? Massage therapy is effective in the control of pain - chronic or acute, stress reduction and in creating a sense of soothing relaxation and well-being.
? Massage can be fun and can be wonderfully sensual; it can be an effective tool to revive a sagging sex life. Erotic Thai massages or even simple massages are a great way to begin a night of intimacy.

Full Body Massage helps you relax!

Although even a one odd massage does leave you with a pleasant feeling, the effects of massage are cumulative and undergoing a series or course of massage treatments, is what will give you the maximum benefits. Regular massages strengthen and tones the muscles and boosts the entire body mechanism, so as to prevent unnecessary strains and injuries. Massage has the power to stimulate the nervous system as much as it can relax, hence it can be used, depending on the individual's need.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies for some of the most common illnesses and health problems

If You Want Health and Beauty Don't Visit the Doctor!

10:35 PM

We are waking up to the fact that doctors are not the answer to our problems. Dishing out anti-biotics to treat symptoms instead of the cause means that health problems are prolonged rather than cured. On top of that doctors waiting lists, the traditionally unhelpful doctors receptionist and the attitude of many doctors who take as little time as possible to treat us, drive us to an alternative.

Many of the health problems we have nowadays are because of our diet. Newspapers report it, and deep down we all know it, but the information is so conflicting that most people end up more confused than informed, and so we tend to ignore the information altogether.

We are brainwashed into believing that with new methods of farming, global food imports and the ready supply of processed foods in supermarkets, we are eating better than ever. The real picture however is that as our choices widen, the nutritional content of food is decreasing dramatically, and is going unnoticed and almost forgotten.

Our natural instincts are to eat food which tastes the best. This would be normally be fresh fruit and vegetables, however, the global food market pick produce when unripe and ship it in gas storage around the world, which means the nutrient levels are decreased and the taste deteriorated. In processed food the lack of nutrition is covered up by artificial flavours, salt, sugar and sweeteners, tricking our tongue into thinking we are eating real food when really much of it provides us with very little indeed. Junk food is so much more than just fast food chain burgers.

For thousands of years nature has provided for humans fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds and nuts for optimum nutrition. These contain high water content and are brimming with life-giving nutrients and micronutrients. In our scientific 21st century it has also been scientifically proven that fruit and vegetables can in fact lower the risk of a number of diseases and ailments. But with huge companies heavily marketing drugs to us to patch up health problems, we have not realised that the real way forward is to prevent disease, rather than just ?go in for repairs? when we get ill.

Scientists have tried to make up for the lack of nutrients we have in our western diet, due to the tinned, pasteurised, concentrated nature of the food we eat, by replicating certain key plant chemicals, called vitamins, and providing them to us in their isolated form in pills. To some extent this has been effective, but due to their isolated nature and unknown optimum dosages, their effect is limited.

It seems we just cannot do better than nature and its 3 billion years of evolution, in the space of 100 years. The best formula for our body is to get the nutrition we need from the source the body understands? fresh, organic, fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds.

One way to make sure your body receives the correct nutrition is to see a dietician. The UN and governments, as well as the nutritionists and dieticians the world over, are recommending five portions of fruit and vegetables per day for healthier lives and anti-ageing. More and more it will be the dieticians, rather than doctors or even plastic surgeons, who will be worth a visit.

M Williams Envida Find out what the worlds top dieticians and doctors are recommending for anti-aging, fertility and health and be in the company of many famous faces, top althletes, top business people and beautiful models.